
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8789 From: ryant61175 Date: 12/12/2013
Subject: Mach3 will only load first ~2500 lines of a gcode file.
I am using  KMotion 4.31k and Mach3  R3.043.066.

When I load a long g-code file and Kflop is being used as the output, only the first ~2500 lines are loaded into the backplot and run.  Scrolling past that point in the gcode window in mach3 shows empty space, although the scroll bar is sized such that you can scroll though the whole file.

Mach3 operates properly when using the parallel port, and kmotioncnc operates correctly as well.

Any ideas on whats going on here?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8790 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 12/12/2013
Subject: Re: Mach3 will only load first ~2500 lines of a gcode file.
Do you have the Mach3 License file installed properly?  Check Help | About to see if you are using the Demo Version


Group: DynoMotion Message: 8796 From: ryant61175 Date: 12/14/2013
Subject: Re: Mach3 will only load first ~2500 lines of a gcode file.

I have a properly licensed version of mach3, but I'll just assume the install is corrupted or something.  I decided it was easier to just use kmotioncnc instead of dealing with mach3 but I've started running into a new problem:

I've started running into "G Code Error"s in relatively straightforward files:


These errors are relatively rare, but do not occur in simulation mode and are repeatable.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 8797 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 12/14/2013
Subject: Re: Mach3 will only load first ~2500 lines of a gcode file.

As stated that indicates an axis is disabled.  Is an axis disabled?

Common ways an axis can be disabled is by a limit switch or following error.  Do you have servos?

Run KMotion.exe and observe the console screen for any error messages.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 8807 From: ryant61175 Date: 12/18/2013
Subject: Re: Mach3 will only load first ~2500 lines of a gcode file.

Thanks for the help, it was a limit switch that was just barely getting hit, which is why the error was repeatable, and why I could re-enable the axis and continue running the program.